Project/ Portfolio Assessment

Project/Portfolio Assessment

Already have a project or program under way?  We can do an audit or peer review to give you confidence that the work is under control and in good order.  We will highlight the gaps and provide recommendations so you know the steps required to get it back on track.

Whether you’re part of a new executive management team; revisiting an old feasibility study that got shelved a few years ago; or whether a project under your purview has started to show signs of getting off track-getting an independent assessment of the work done to date is good practice. 

We’re not talking about a cursory overview done in one afternoon or about a detailed redoing of the work to date. An independent assessment is an in-depth review which asks the team to show the assessors what they have done.  It is a process of asking informed, detailed, sometimes difficult questions. 

These assessments may show the project is on track or they may reveal serious issues; but in every case they will give the Board and executives independent validation of the situation and provide specific recommendations to maximize the opportunities for project success.

An initial IEDG project or portfolio assessment has three stages:

  1. Document review and familiarization:
    • Directive/ Mission
    • Scope
    • Budgets and schedules
    • Execution plans and strategies
    • Policies, processes & procedures
    • Organization and authorities
    • Risk management logs and plans
    • Current status reports and key performance indicators (KPIs)
  2. Team visit and site tour:
    • Presentations by team leaders and Q&A
    • Discussion of stakeholder issues and involvement
    • Visiting the site
    • Compiling a list of follow-up questions and findings for further clarification
    • Team feedback, brainstorming and dialogue
  3. Final report compilation and feedback to the client